The show and stud dogs at Ashgate

Ch Ashgate US Apollo   Male Dob 7-11-2010
Ch Ashgate Aros X Ashgate US It Is All About MeMe

Fernsunrise Fairplay To Ashgate Male d.o.b 11-2-2015
Ch Can Ch Windacre Ready To Rumble x Standeridge Star Spangled Von Fernsunrise

Ashgate Lia with Hillcloud Female d.o.b 13-4-2015
Ch, Can Ch Windacre Ready To Rumble x Fernlair Shadow Of Doubt with Ashgate

Ashgate Hinnie Female d.o.b 12-4-2014
Ch Can Ch Windacre Ready To Rhumble x Hillcloud Athena To Ashgate

Dylandougie Ayr To Ashgate Female d.o.b 29-9-2013
Ch Ashgate US Apollo x Crisaliz Lady Eleanor At Dylandougie

Hillcloud Mist Male  d.o.b 15-6-2015
Ch Ashgate US Apollo x Hillcloud Ice

Ashgate Birnie Female d.o.b 4/2/2016
Dutch Junior Ch Surprise Westie Rocket The Sky x Hillcloud Bella with Ashgate

Hillcloud Ocean Female d.o.b
Hillcloud Jupiter x Hillcloud Antaric Floe

Ashgate Ayton   Male d.o.b 22/11/2015
Hillcloud Jupiter x Dylandougie Ayr To Ashgate

More Hillcloud pedigrees

Phone: 01460 281528 Sue Thomson and Jacky Ash or 01278 651176 Kath Berry

 Email Sue        Email Jacky         Email Kathy